Friday, September 5, 2008

Reciprocal Blessing...

Romans 1:6-7, 10-12

And you are included among those Gentiles who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ. I am writing to all of you in Rome who are loved by God and are called to be his own holy people...One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you. For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.

Paul is a man of intentionality. He uses his platform as an apostle to communicate with passion and purpose in all he teaches. Notice the key words of this passage: included, called, belong, loved. He begins to paint a picture for us of the forethought of God in enveloping us in His family. We were not just an afterthought. We were known before the foundation of the world...and He adores us. 

Paul not only desires for us to understand our special place in God's heart, but the intentionality that God built into our interactions with one another. First, look at the heart that motivates Paul. He writes that he longs to see the other believers. Second, look at the purpose for his longing. He desires to share a spiritual blessing intended to promote growth in their walk with the Lord, and to encourage them in their faith. However, he also yearns to be personally encouraged in his faith.  

Imagine what the body of Christ would look like if we all lived with a longing to spend time together in order to help one another grow in the Lord and be encouraged in the faith? Think of all of the marriages that would be saved, the hearts that would find healing, the doubters that would find answers, the parents who would find a listening ear and words of wisdom, the students who would feel cared for and understood. The outcome is limitless because the God who has called us has equipped us to do all that He has asked us to do for one another. 

Today...find someone with whom you can share the reciprocal blessing. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The least of these...

James 1:27
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

I made a special friend the other day. I would have missed the joy of this friendship had I not been listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. His words were distinct and clear..."whatever you do for the least of these...that you do to Me." 

Her name is Lucille. She is a 93-year-old African American woman with gray hair bundled under a head scarf. Her eyes are yellowing and look worn. Her smile displays her many years as it showcases the empty places where teeth once existed. She must depend on a cane to walk, and even with the sturdy cane her gate is unsteady. Her heart is overflowing with thanks. She loves the Lord and she loves everyone around her. I know this because as I sang hymns about seeing Jesus, she sang along with a spirit longing for Heaven. 

The greatest gift Lucille gave me that day was the gift of loving and serving her. I came face to face with Jesus. It's amazing to me that I don't do this more often. It's the Bible come to life in its purest form. And Lucille, she thought the world of me. She could not stop telling me how much she loved me and how kind I was. She told everyone we ran into that I was her new friend....someone who was willing to be kind to a stranger. 

Her words still give me pause. Why was she so amazed at my actions? Wouldn't anyone who loves Jesus pick up an elderly woman struggling to walk down the road in 90 degree weather? How many Bible verses do we need to learn before these kinds of actions become commonplace for those of us who claim to follow Christ? I'm thinking about that. I hope you do as well. Imagine the difference we could truly make in the world if we weren't too busy for "the least of these"?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Jesus or the Holy choose!

I know...that can sound bad. But before you turn away, listen to what I'm really trying to expose. Have you ever had the thought....if Jesus was walking right beside me physically than I would really be able to be okay, or accomplish something, or walk away from temptation? I confess that I have too. But today I finally realized what a ludicrous thought that really is.

Take a minute to imagine the disciples throughout the gospels. They had Jesus physically with them and yet were making poor choices, being self-focused, expressing anxiety, doubting name a few. Why do we believe we would be any different today? 

When we ask for Jesus' physical presence, what we are also requesting is the removal of the Holy Spirit. Think about it. The disciples had Jesus, but if He ever instructed them to go ahead to another town, or went off to pray, their lives took a perilous turn. They were completely dependant on being able to SEE Him in order to have confidence, peace, or a knowing of how to handle the people or situations that came their way. Jesus was their very lifeline. If He removed Himself from them, they felt cut off. Abandoned. 

Not so with us. We have the Holy Spirit. And with the Holy Spirit comes continual confidence, peace, empowerment, wisdom, strength, guidance. Why would I substitute the temporary presence of Jesus for the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit? I do not want to be dependant on Someone being with me physically so that I am able to succeed and be all that I am to be. I want to be able to pray, search the Scriptures, and depend on the still small voice of guidance from deep inside to lead and direct my steps. 

It's simple. When we ask for the physical presence of Jesus, we set ourselves up for a regular anxiety attack. We are dependant on what we can see and if we cannot see it we lose all confidence. If we rely on the Holy Spirit, we realize that we are never alone. He never leaves us. We will forever walk in confidence, strength, peace, and wisdom. 

So next time we are tempted to think we are lacking, remember that we lack nothing. We have exactly Who we need to live the confident, victorious life.