Php 3:12-14, Gal 1:10, Php 1:6
Fix your eyes on Jesus...Keep your eyes on the the race and keep looking toward the finish line....don't be a people pleaser...
How many times have you heard, "Well so and so calls themselves a Christian and they....(put in whatever awful thing you think fits)"? It's the ever present excuse for not having to live for Christ. The hypocrisy of others is the answer for all sinful behaviors, our complacency and willingness to compromise. After all, how could we be expected to be any better than all those other people?
Let's turn the often do we hear Christians say, "Well so and so is totally sold out for Christ and so I'm going to be sold out too!!" Yet the truth is, who are we encouraged to keep an eye on? Obviously Jesus, but who else?
Those whose lives imitate Christ (look at Paul's words in 1 Cor 11:1...and you should imitate me as I imitate Christ).
Answer these questions:
1) In what areas am I compromising my walk with Christ? (not living according to His Word)
2) Why do I use those who don't live for Christ as an excuse to live a life that does not honor Him?
3) Who are the people that God has placed in my life that I can imitate as they imitate Him? and then What can I learn from them?
Today is a new day! We can decide to allow God to live in and through us so that our lives make a difference in this world! He promises He will give us all we need to live for Him (see Php 2:13).