Ephesians 5:16 - Make the most of every opportunity...
Acts 20:2 - While there, he (Paul) encouraged the believers
in all the towns he passed through...
When you’ve been someplace 12 years...and you are me...you take an oh so dramatic pause and reflect on the time spent with people. I wondered if I’d been a good friend and if I’d wisely used my time to love and build into others in a way that most honored the Lord?
It’s sad, but we often don’t realize what we have right in front of us until it is gone...or almost gone. As humans, we take so much for granted. We rush through life...passing by beautiful flowers and beautiful people. We are so busy that it’s easy to lose sight of what is really important...helping others know that they are “seen”, “heard”, important, valuable and cherished!
When is the last time you called a friend to say, “I’m so thankful for our friendship!” Have you ever sent a text to someone letting them know what you admire about them? Have you ever set aside an important thing you were doing b/c someone just needed you to listen to them? When is the last time you went out of your way to serve a person in need? Do you ever give out random hugs to people who need to know you care about them? When is the last time you picked up an inexpensive gift for someone just so they’d know you were thinking about them? And when is the last time you thought, “how can I be Jesus to someone today?”
As I journey through life, I want to stay aware of others. I want the lady at Wal-Mart, the server at the restaurant, the awesome masterpiece at camp, an older person at church, my next door neighbor, the little kids that feel lost and alone, or my long time friend, to know that I “see” them...“hear” them. I want them to know by my words and actions that I think they are important, valuable, and cherished.
As I seek to love others with my words and actions, I will be more like Jesus. He is amazing at “seeing” us, “hearing” us, and making us feel valuable and cherished. Let’s follow His example. Just imagine what the world would be like if we all took the time to enjoy the beautiful people God places in our life...before they are gone...
Be a difference maker. From this moment on resolve to let those around you know that they are valuable! Be creative! Share stories with me. I’d love to hear how God uses you to express the love of Jesus to someone today!
Think about it:
- Whom have I taken for granted lately?
- What creative thing can I do to tell someone or show someone that they are important to me?
- Am I so busy that I don’t have time to “see” or “hear” the people around me?
- Would others consider me a good friend? (ask some of your friends)
- What is one Bible passage that highlights Jesus or another person reaching out to someone who needed to feel valued and cherished?
- Am I willing to pray, “Father, help me to be Jesus to someone today” and then watch expectantly for Him to provide an opportunity?