Thursday, August 7, 2008

The joy of being there...

Katie Brazelton listed some tips for effective Life Coaching on her site the other day. As the Lord has called me to shepherd/coach others, I have experienced the power of several of the truths that she shared. It is one of the most exhilarating feelings to sense the pleasure of God as I interact with those seeking to understand His love and find His purpose for their life. 

I am learning the depth to which a listening ear and an open heart can penetrate the places of pain that need healing and hope. What a joy it is to actively listen to not only what is being said, but to the cries of those things struggling for a voice. It is truly a powerful thing to be able to ask the open-ended question that allows a person to discover the truths that God longs for them to hear. What a precious gift we give when we help unfold the layers that veil the path to discovery. I am humbled and awed that God should choose to use any of us to accomplish His purpose of touching this world with His life.

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