Saturday, October 18, 2008

a small celebration...

Luke 13:20-21 is a great reminder for anyone who is a BIG thinker and sometimes gets frustrated with the "small" tasks involved in ministry. Jesus is faithful to teach and highlight the significance of the "small". Out of all of the ingredients that go into baking bread, the yeast is proportionately one of the smallest. And in comparing the flour/yeast ratio, the yeast would seem to have lesser significance. Yet the yeast is actually the "power". It is the driving force behind flour becoming bread. The concept sits beautifully beside "if you are faithful in the small things, then you will be given greater things". Simply put, we cannot begin with "greatness". The journey unfolds only if the beginning is secure...the "small"must be held in honor and recognized for its significance. 

To celebrate "small" is to be content with obscurity. How easy it is to elevate self and focus on our gifting. Metaphorically speaking, if I am the yeast, I will always cause Jesus to "rise" and be glorified. I can remain the unseen ingredient in the Bread of Life. 

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