How sad...and I wanted so much to have Jesus be a quick fix. After makes Him more attractive. Yet, emotional wounds hurt, pain runs deep, and consequences don't go away just because I want them to go away.
I was listening to a radio speaker talk about addiction and it really hit me; I can either run to Jesus or turn to something else when I'm hurting. My choice determines what kind of journey I go on. I either allow my hurt to propel me toward anything that numbs the pain quickly (drugs, alcohol, sex, cutting, tv) or I choose to crumble to the floor before Jesus.
Jesus will pick me up, hold me close, wipe the tears from my eyes, and speak words of truth and comfort deep into my soul. Sitting on His lap I'll have to wait and rest. It will take time for the wounds to close up. Why? Because through the love of the Holy Spirit He will ask me to face my pain, to deal with why I'm hurting, to think about how things could be different, to question my choices. I have to want be willing to submit to the soul searching that often goes with being at the feet of Jesus.
Yet how much easier it would be...oh so tempting...if I just ran to watch TV, or had a little something to drink, or popped one of those feel good pills, pulled out that razor, or found solace in the arms of some guy who would be more than willing to "physically" comfort me.
Why is it so hard to choose what is wisest when the foolish option so obviously leads down a road with a perilous destination. Oh but run to Him...the road will be difficult, but the final destination will be glorious!
Think about it...
1) What is going on in your life right now that you are not bringing to Jesus?
2) What is keeping you from trusting Him?
3) What are the things that you are using to bring you temporary relief from the pain?
Will you pray with me? Please do if you want to begin to run into His arms and let go of those things that will never bring ultimate healing...
Jesus...I am hurting so badly right now. Thank You that You know my heart like no one else can. I have been running to other things to help ease my pain. Forgive me for not trusting You with what hurts in my life. I want to begin to trust You and believe that You will hold me close and bring healing to my life. I know it will not be a quick fix, so I pray that I will wait on You as You draw me close and speak words of comfort and hope into my life. Thank You for sharing my pain and caring about me enough to walk this hard road with me. Amen
Here are a few Scriptures. Look them up in the NLT if possible (Prov 20:1, Prov 19:3, Ps 34:18, Ps 147:3)
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