On Saturday morning, October 24, I attended a Global Trade Event that Fuller hosted at Jameson Brown Coffee Roasters. I was excited about taking a study break that included hearing music, drinking coffee, mingling with other students, and looking at what I thought were simply a few Fair Trade items. When I arrived at the coffee shop the atmosphere was serene and inviting. I stood with some friends and listened to a friend play his guitar and sing. After soaking in the music I decided to go outside and wander through the tables. What I encountered was completely unexpected.
I can only explain it as raw emotion….the pictures, the stories, the knowledgeable and caring students behind each table. Photographs could not have adequately captured the scene. One table after the other described a story…a story of injustice perpetrated on “the least of these”…the poor, uneducated women and children living in the 3rd world. As I looked at the jewelry, scarves, purses, and t-shirts for sale, they were no longer “items” to purchase, but “people” to liberate. With tears streaming down my face, I pulled out my wallet and began the investment in the one’s that Jesus longs for our hearts to remember (Matt 25:31-46).
As I purchased each item, a beautiful thought crossed my mind; although I may never get to meet these women and children, when I see them in the Kingdom, I will remember that I played a part in their story. I had the privilege of helping them stay off the streets by supporting their cottage industry. To choose action meant that I became part of the solution, providing them the opportunity to live in a safe place and make items to support themselves.
So often it feels overwhelming when we hear stories of injustice. We quickly seek to bring homeostasis to our emotions by walking away and trying to forget. We know that the task of helping seems too large to do alone. So for me, simply purchasing some of these beautiful hand made items allowed me to turn my anger at injustice and tears of anguish, into something beautiful and productive…the liberation and freedom of a soul in captivity.
The Christmas season is an optimal time to reflect on how, without Christ, we would all be souls held in captivity. My heart overflows with thankfulness because He willingly purchased my freedom. I know like me, that if you think about what you need this Christmas, your list will not include: a place to live, basic food, or the assurance of safety and respect. Simply buying from organizations that minister to the oppressed ensures that women and children around the world receive these basic gifts. Please use your resources and join me in being an advocate for the “least of these”. Imagine the joy in Heaven when Christmas day is filled with packages unwrapping justice for the glory of God.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.
Compassion International…
There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children – Nelson Mandela
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