Imagine my delight when I visited 2014! Though the tiny little church was gone, so much else had remained exactly the same. And the most important thing that hadn't changed...the thing that mattered most to me...was that the few people remaining whom I'd known all those years ago, STILL loved Jesus with a great passion and zeal! Though Pastor Dan is nearing retirement, he still came from around that pulpit, got up close, and spoke to us emphatically about our need to focus on JESUS and live for Him! Betty, though having experienced many trials, was still filled with praise for our God and an unshakable trust in Him! And in my time of reconnecting with Pastor Dan he said, "Through the years there are some people who come into your life of ministry and you never forget them. You, Evie, are one of those people. I can never forget the excitement that you brought to this place...the life you brought was something that made a difference here. It's so good to see that you have not lost that joy and that passion for our Lord. I can still see it."
As I drove away, joy filling my soul, tears welling up in my eyes, I paused to give thanks to my God. There truly is no more fulfilling life then one lived fully and completely for Jesus! Can I get an Amen fellow Masterpieces? Don't you want to look back over your life, wade through a sea of beautiful memories, and find yourself swimming endlessly in all of the ways that God graciously chose to use you for His glory in His world? You have immeasurable purpose and value as His child! May you be known as one who never changes...never changes in your love, joy and passion for Jesus! He's worth it!!
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