Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cruise Ship "Chaos"

 Remember the story in Mark 4: where Jesus and the disciples are in the boat and it starts starts outrageously storming...killer winds...waves so high they are nearly capsizing the boat? I know...kind of makes you want to got on a cruise for your next vacation! I love how afraid the disciples get! Personally, I’m thinking...normal, sane response! And then one of my favorite words appears... “rebuke”. How often do you get to use that word...okay not counting when you’re joking around with a friend who needs to stop acting like an idiot? Seriously, is that not a great word? I looked it up in the dictionary. Check out what it said... to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand. Those waves and that wind got a serious verbal whooping! Why does this matter?

  In the 1st century, when this story was taking place, the Jews believed that “chaos” (think high winds and crashing waves) was evil. So, every time a major thunderstorm happened, fear arose because the thought was that it was an evil manifestation. Think about it; whenever you’ve heard this story taught, hasn’t the “life lesson” been “and Jesus shows His power over nature, thus proving He is God”? Now that is an amazing application, but what if we looked at that story in light of the context and the history we know now? If the disciples were sitting in that boat feeling like the “chaos” (of evil) was overtaking them, doesn’t their fear make a whole lot more sense? I mean, it’s not just about dying in a storm anymore, it’s about living through chaotic evil until death eventually happens! I’m thinking...pick me, pick me...not! Right?

  The text does not tell us how long the “chaos” lasted. It only tells us that Jesus eventually rebuked the “chaos” (evil). For me...that’s comforting. Sometimes we forget that Jesus gave us a heads up... “in this world you will have many troubles” (Jn 16:33) and we get overwhelmed with feeling that life is unbearable unfair, and stinks (to put it nicely). How easily we forget about the last part of that verse, “but take heart I have overcome the world.” Yes, while we are here we will endure many hurtful and difficult things. Sin is alive and well and it effects our lives. Sometimes people do and say things that make us feel incredibly devalued, disrespected, unsafe, and downright abandoned! It can be lonely and frustrating! 

  This is especially real to me right now b/c I recently received a FB note from a high school student living in the middle of a serious thunderstorm. The “chaos” (evil) is clearly evident. And, as many of us can understand, she just wants to quit. It all feels too overwhelming. I want her to stay in the boat and believe. I want her to know that Jesus has power over evil...that one day all things will be made right. But none of us knows how long we have to live in the “chaos”. So if your parents are fighting or divorcing, your friends are being cruel, or that guy who said he “loved” you just thoughtlessly walked away, hold on to the truth that Jesus has the power to “rebuke” that “chaos”...and He will. He brought calm to the lives of those fearful grown men, and He will do the same for us if we wait and hope in Him.

Journey through it:
  • Is there something going on right now that feels like “chaos” in your life? Do you feel like you are in the middle of a thunderstorm w/out an umbrella? : ( Hold on to this truth...
    • Psalm 34:19 - The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
  • If yes, then find a time to pour out your heart to God. Let Him know how bad it hurts. Give yourself the gift of tears! And be honest...if you want to give up, if you’re mad at Him...let Him know! His love is unconditional and He can take it (read the Psalms...David is pretty expressive)! Try praying some of these...
    • Psalm 10:17 - Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless. Surely you will hear their (my) cries and comfort them (me).
    • Psalm 13:3 - Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
    • Psalm 23:4 - Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.
  • Then, write down some truth. This is so important b/c when we are in the middle of tough stuff it is so easy to lose perspective and focus. I’ll give you some “perspective” verses, you can search the Scriptures for some warm and fuzzy verses about God. : ) If you want specific ones for your situation let me know!
    • 1 Peter 5:8-10
    • James 1:2-4
    • James 5:13
    • Romans 8:28-29

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hippo + Zebra = Luv?

Genesis 2: 19-20

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. : ( (sad face my emphasis)

As I listened to the radio preacher talk about Adam and the animals, it made me pause and think. Can you even imagine what this would be like...God, who is right there with Adam, tells him that He is going to give him someone to share his life with, and then parades a bunch of animals in front of him. Okay, so maybe that does make more sense than we actually want to admit! Maybe it seems sometimes like the guys out there are a bunch of circus animals...and none of them fit well into our lives. Or maybe, we are trying to fit an "animal" into our life, who is just not of our species!! Can you imagine what we'd get if we put a hippopotamus with a zebra? Just the thought of it makes me cringe?

Although it can be hard to wait for God's best, it is always worth it. If Adam was able to survive a parade of animals in the midst of that great promise from God, surely we can let the "wild things" pass by that are not God's best for us. I know...we are all looking for that companion...but if you don't want to end up with a hippozebra relationship...wait for God's still small voice. I don't know how long Adam had to wait between the animals and Eve, but I'm sure if we asked him, he'd say he was glad he didn't settle for the hippo. The same promise God made to Adam, He makes to you...there is a suitable companion for you out there..and he is so worth waiting for!

Think about it? Start with these 2 questions, and be honest!

1) Is he a believer?

2 Co 6:13-15 - Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever?

2) If he says "yes", then, go one step further, find out his commitment level to the Lord? Remember, he will lead you either closer to or further from God!

Mk 12:30 - Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Those are 2 really important first questions to ask before even considering a relationship with a guy. Remember, you are priceless, beautiful, valuable, so worth respecting and being cherished. Do not settle for anyone that does not honor your belovedness before our Lord. You are someone's future wife...never lose site of that glorious truth.

*Please note: I am not saying that God is against interracial dating! God does not put us together in neat boxes according to skin color or ethnicity.