Sunday, August 31, 2008

Discerning the call...

One of the wisest truths I'm attempting to live is "a need does not constitute a call". Those of us who have a hard time saying no will understand why this truth has the potential to impact the very core of who we are. It's simple, yet revolutionary! Ephesians 2:10 encapsulates it well: We are God's masterpieces....and HE has designed good works in advance for us to do. 

They key to freedom is in realizing that it is HE who does the calling. It is not the roar of the crowd nor the whisper of the needy, but the sovereign plans of a loving and balanced Creator that guides our pathway to service. 

How many days, months, years have I labored at things in the flesh? You say...the that not too harsh? is truth! When I step outside of His call, I cease to be His messenger. I am a messenger for ME...showing off my gifts, talents and abilities.

Ponder these verses...

2 Cor 3:5 - It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.

2 Co 4:7 - We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

John 15:5 - Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

It seems rather clear...if I say "yes" to those things that are not in God's plan for me, than I rely on my own strength and power. HE alone qualifies me, strengthens me, empowers me, and ensures that what I do will be fruitful. It is only when I say no to to the good things in life, that I am free to do the GOD things in life. 

We do not serve b/c we are needed, we serve b/c we are called. Called by God. None other will do.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Delusion of Feelings...

After spending time with one of my struggling students, I realized the depth to which feelings rule so many of us. We want our feelings to change so we can be okay. We want God to take away our feelings so we can finally be free of those things that plague us. We believe that our circumstances will not change until our feelings are less intense. How different would we be if we realized that feelings are delusions that cannot be counted on to shape our reality? 

What if we clung tightly to the truth that never changes...the truth that has the power to conquer the feelings that overwhelm us? It seems so simple when we understand that the "peace that passes all understanding" is not a feeling. For so long I believed that "peace" equaled having my feelings under control. How freeing it was to grasp that peace is a mindset...a place of resting in what we know to be true? 

We can have peace when we trust...believe...have faith. Peace is not a band aide or a quick fix. It comes after a deliberate thought process...wrapping our minds tightly around the truth. We must bask in His sovereignty, His goodness, His promise to work "all things together for the good". I long to live at peace and rest. This longing has driven me to understand more completely the object of my faith, and the truth found in His Word. Take a moment to define peace. Your answer might surprise you...and then compel you toward truth.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Defining success...

What if we truly understood that the process was more important than the results. What if we lived enveloped in the truth of our weaknesses. After all, do we really believe that we can control anything in this world besides our attitude? How would we be different if we acknowledged that what the world touted as success was not truly success? 

The world would have us believe that if we could proffer the resounding accolades of men, then we have achieved success. What if success is defined differently? What if we understood that our motives played a key role? Who do we "win" for? Is gaining glory for ourselves the most satisfying endeavor of life? It almost seems preposterous to imagine, yet we live that way mostly, don't we? Simply putting it into words makes the whole of the effort appear vain...futile...or empty. Let it soak in...I am bathing in the thought of this daily.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The joy of being there...

Katie Brazelton listed some tips for effective Life Coaching on her site the other day. As the Lord has called me to shepherd/coach others, I have experienced the power of several of the truths that she shared. It is one of the most exhilarating feelings to sense the pleasure of God as I interact with those seeking to understand His love and find His purpose for their life. 

I am learning the depth to which a listening ear and an open heart can penetrate the places of pain that need healing and hope. What a joy it is to actively listen to not only what is being said, but to the cries of those things struggling for a voice. It is truly a powerful thing to be able to ask the open-ended question that allows a person to discover the truths that God longs for them to hear. What a precious gift we give when we help unfold the layers that veil the path to discovery. I am humbled and awed that God should choose to use any of us to accomplish His purpose of touching this world with His life.