Monday, June 27, 2016

From Everything to Nothing...

Most of us are familiar with the story of Ruth. It has romance. Chivalry. It ends well.

Yet I believe there is a part of her story that we need to sit with. The part that allows us to notice the God who highlights stories of women on purpose. He is a God Who longs for us to experience a deeper sense of His awareness of our hearts. To remind us that we are known, valued and significant.

In Ruth 1 we are made aware of the tragedy. Deceased husbands. Childless women. Scarce income. Heart wrenching choices to be made.

There comes a point of parting and clinging. Naomi must return to her homeland. It is time to leave this foreign land. One daughter-in-law agrees to part ways. Ruth commits to companionship. Ruth vows allegiance to a country not her own, a God not of her people, a land not of her birth. She chooses to relinquish a fresh start in favor of a journey alongside of a despondent woman. Ruth makes an almost incomprehensible sacrifice.
The trek to Naomi’s homeland begins. The women set out together. Ruth at Naomi’s side; a sacrificial presence. As they near Bethlehem, the townspeople see Naomi coming. Excitement and questions fill the air. There is disbelief. Wonderment. The women speak out. Could their friend Naomi really be home?

And then it happens. Imagine you are Ruth. Standing there. Right next to Naomi.
The words are spoken.
The. Lord. Has. Brought. Me. Back. Empty.

Pause. Really pause...

Ruth gave up everything. She chose a life of sacrifice. And she is viewed as nothing. Her value...insignificant. In Naomi’s bitterness she overlooks the companionship and sacrifice of Ruth and focuses only on what she does not have. In her despondency, Naomi is blinded to who is standing faithfully...quietly...right beside her.

Dearest Masterpieces. Many of us can relate to this moment in history. We choose lives of sacrifice for family and friends. We care for an ungrateful mother-in-law. We cook a meal for someone in need while dead tired. We listen tenderly to a hurting person while our own hearts desperately desire healing. We open our homes instead of cleaning them. We serve friends who choose not to serve us in return. We give of ourselves with no thanks. We often work unseen, late into the night. Sometimes, well oftentimes, these decisions make it necessary to put our own hopes and dreams on hold. Sometimes, our choices leave our dreams unfulfilled.

Putting hopes and dreams on hold is difficult. A life of sacrifice is not the easiest road to walk. 
Yet, we know that God is ever present on the journey.

I love that God chose a beautiful ending for the story of Ruth. I love that even when Naomi could not see Ruth, God saw her. I love that despite Naomi’s lack of gratitude, it never changed the character of Ruth. Ruth remained faithful. And God honored Ruth by conferring a value on her that will remain for all of time. She is named in the lineage of Jesus. Wow!

Masterpiece of God. Please remember this; in the middle of your life of sacrifice, God is writing a beautiful story. He sees you. He knows you by name. You are His beloved daughter. And when no one else sees your tears, He is keenly aware of each one that falls to the ground. He holds your heart as you wrestle with dreams put on hold or dreams left unfulfilled.

So as you stand there faithfully. Sacrificially. Potentially being undervalued or seen as insignificant. Cling to this truth as Ruth clung to Naomi; you are His Masterpiece... and the final page of your story has yet to be written.