Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hiding from my past...

If they really knew me they wouldn’t like me...
How many times have I thought that to myself...too many to count I’m sorry to admit. Over the years I’ve often wondered, “if people really knew all of me would they still like me?” 
I am inspired by people who don’t seem to mind what others think about them. It is especially encouraging to watch someone transform from being dishonest about who they are to being genuine and raw. I think vulnerability with those God calls us to impact is necessary...and exciting....even if it does make me a tad bit nervous!!
I know of an amazing woman whose encounter with Jesus gave her the ability to be genuine for the first time. In reading her story I was inspired by her willingness to be vulnerable and real...for the work of the Kingdom.
Who is she....? She’s the woman at the well in John 4. The one we know the story about oh so well. Sometimes when I know a story well I try to see it from a different angle. Her story has an edge that I had not seen before. I hope maybe a fresh peek into her transformation will encourage you on your journey toward embracing your story, being genuine, and letting God use you for His Kingdom work.
It all begins with her encounter with Jesus right? We clearly see she is not honest. When He asks her to go call her husband she says, “I don’t have a husband”...really..end of story? oh no...she chooses to omit a fairly important part of the answer... “but I am shacking up with a guy”. Jesus so calls her out on it doesn’t He? We know Jesus...He wasn’t cruel or demeaning, but He certainly was all about getting the truth right out in the open! He knew she could not experience true freedom while hiding behind that half truth.
So how do we know that her encounter with Him made any difference? It’s one of the main reasons I admire this woman; she is willing to tell her story....and it’s not a pretty one. Think about it, she leaves her water jar and goes into the village and starts announcing, “come see a man who told me everything I’ve ever done.” Really? Everything? Apparently so! I’m sure those villagers knew or had a fairly good idea about just how “immoral” this woman was. They would have seen the men coming and going. Yet somehow she wasn’t afraid to talk about her past. Somehow she knew that entrusting herself to the community who had known her only from a distance would help others see Jesus.
But it doesn’t just stop there. Her vulnerability and willingness to be real allowed Jesus to speak into the lives of many of those villagers. What does the text say? After they believed what the woman shared, the Samaritans came to Jesus and asked Him to hang with them for a few days. Then, the people shared that they didn’t just believe because of what the woman had said, but because of what Jesus had said. 
So, let’s not get hung up on covering up our failures. Let’s not worry so much about people not liking us because we are not perfect. The next time you are concerned that your mess ups will ruin any chances of being used for God’s Kingdom...remember this powerful story. He takes it all...even the vilest sins we commit...and makes them a part of His beautiful story of forgiveness and restoration. The people in her community listened to her initially because she was willing to embrace her sordid story...and be genuine. Through her act of vulnerability she peaked other people’s interest in Jesus. She opened the door for Him to speak!
You are beautifully broken...and oh so usable by the shepherd of your soul. He is the potter and you are His clay. You are likable...lovable...on every step of your transformational journey with Jesus.

Make it personal:
  • What part of your past do you hide from?
  • What are you afraid to face or take an honest look at?
  • Do you honestly believe that your past mistakes keep you from being used by God?
  • Are you willing to find some friends and be real about your struggles?
  • Will you start to believe and have hope for the wondrous future God has in store for you?