Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Delusion of Feelings...

After spending time with one of my struggling students, I realized the depth to which feelings rule so many of us. We want our feelings to change so we can be okay. We want God to take away our feelings so we can finally be free of those things that plague us. We believe that our circumstances will not change until our feelings are less intense. How different would we be if we realized that feelings are delusions that cannot be counted on to shape our reality? 

What if we clung tightly to the truth that never changes...the truth that has the power to conquer the feelings that overwhelm us? It seems so simple when we understand that the "peace that passes all understanding" is not a feeling. For so long I believed that "peace" equaled having my feelings under control. How freeing it was to grasp that peace is a mindset...a place of resting in what we know to be true? 

We can have peace when we trust...believe...have faith. Peace is not a band aide or a quick fix. It comes after a deliberate thought process...wrapping our minds tightly around the truth. We must bask in His sovereignty, His goodness, His promise to work "all things together for the good". I long to live at peace and rest. This longing has driven me to understand more completely the object of my faith, and the truth found in His Word. Take a moment to define peace. Your answer might surprise you...and then compel you toward truth.


Unknown said...

While many would define peace as the absence of trouble or disturbance. I see Peace as a security of mind that is rooted in a relationship with God whose Soverignty and goodness have my best in mind. So, in the midst of trouble, danger or whatever takes away my percieved control, I am in relationship with the one who has all control and trust him with my very life.

Steph said...

Wow, these were some new and beautiful ways for me to think about peace. I get so used to hearing "I felt a peace.." but I never really thought of peace as a state of mind...the state of a mind fully resting in the truth no matter what's going on. That's awesome. :)