Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sitting Beside Death...

She was beautiful, wealthy, famous, talented...all those things that make this life seem so incredible. She had everything she could have, glamor, possessions...or did she? 
Death has a way of opening up our souls to what matters. It is the presence not often spoken of...yet ever present in our lives...waiting....
The deathbed is a place where few want to be alone. There is a great human desire to be surrounded by those closest to us, speaking reassuring words of love and fond memories. For Elizabeth, her final moments were spent like any other who is looking to pass from this life to the next...surrounded by family and friends. 
So what makes her passing worth mentioning, besides the fact that she holds an iconic place in history as a celebrity goddess? It is her own words, spoken in her final days that should capture our attention. Days before she passed she spoke to a close friend and expressed her fears about facing the end of her life. She wondered how to pass onto the next life. 
Death can be scary for anyone...and sometimes I think we forget to think about the fact that death is real...and inevitable.
So in those final moments, what do you give someone who has everything...talent, possessions, money, fame? I would offer them peace. I don’t know how else to extend peace to someone without offering them Jesus. 
If I would have been able to sit at her bedside in those final moments, I would have gently and humbly offered her the answer for her searching question. I would have spoken truth and peace over her fears, and the comforting words of reassurance that there is a Person that carries us from this life to the next life....
As you think about your life...however old you you have this peace? Are you ready for death to look you in the face, or sit closely beside those you love...and not wonder how to pass from this life to the next? Do you have the answers that bring peace, comfort, and that dispel fear?
My prayer is that you know Jesus as the One who laid down His life for you...not just as a man on a cross or an idea to talk about. And I hope that you have the compassion to sit beside those who have death sitting on their other side. 
Everyone you meet is someone who will meet death...and Jesus. May we introduce them to Jesus first!
Things to ponder...
  1. Do I know 100% that I have a relationship with Jesus that gives me a life worth living here and offers hope for the life to come?
  2. If I do know Jesus, am I willing to pray consistently for several people who I know do not know Jesus?
  3. Will I pray that God would give me some great opportunities to talk about my own relationship with Him so that others can see that He is real?
  4. Am I willing to pray that God will use me to share the truth about Jesus being the One who gives us a life worth living on earth and the One who will greet us with great arms of love in the life to come?
If you are questioning your relationship with Jesus, will you please write me and let me know how I can journey with you through your questions. God is not afraid of our questions and confusion. He welcomes us into His presence to work things out and hash through the really tough stuff! He loves you...<3

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