Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pity Party Fashion...

     Let me just be brutally honest about the shallowness of my soul at times. The other day I was having a serious fashion feel sorry for myself party…sorry you weren’t invited! After all, about 6 months before graduating from Fuller I partook of a Cam and Cate Wardrobe edit (think “What Not to Wear”) that I’d won at an anti-sex trafficking auction.
     Why talk about this? Because as most of you know I am a new Mom…and not just a new Mom, but a new Mom with a severely sprained ankle who has been house bound for nearly 3 months. You can imagine my wardrobe…work out pants (the ones you don’t mind getting pee all over), old t-shirts (or should I call them drool bibs), an ugly black boot for the injured foot complimented by a boring tennis shoe for the good foot. 
     As I lay there with my pity party hat on, tooting my feeling blue horn, God graced the party with His presence. Have you ever noticed that rarely can you stay in a posture of pity when you belong to God? I incredibly appreciate that the Lord is quick to speak to my sinfulness and give me a glorious new perspective that allows me to move out of a negative place. 
     What is also so beautiful is when He takes a verse of Scripture that you know well, and gives it fresh meaning for the current situation. This is just what He did with Colossians 3:12…
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, 
holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with
 compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
I began to imagine how beautiful I would look if I took seriously the invitation to awake daily and pray myself into the Col 3:12 wardrobe. Even the drooliest of drool shirts would compliment it well! 
     As I meditated on this verse, God refocused my perspective. Someday I will be out of bed and on my feet. And months from now, when Elizabeth is no longer drooling, I may even be able to wear some of those fashionable clothes. But now…right now…I can dress my heart in a way that shapes me internally and therefore externally. 
     So, I am committing to being a woman who clothes herself in a Colossians 3:12 wardrobe because it honors God. But also because I am a Mom now. I want Elizabeth to grow up and dress just like me…and Col 3:12 will ensure that she is always beautifully in style!

1 comment:

Ruth said...