Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tears on a Journal Page...

My eyes filled with tears as I read through the pages of an old journal. It was like finding a sacred and forgotten love letter. The sentiments on the page were so personal… written about me during a difficult season of life. I'd taken a moment to pause, on a February day in 2011, to pen the words that God had spoken over me… and they were beautiful.

Why tears… such emotion? I had to ask the question so as not to assume an understanding of my reaction. And in the silence of introspection, the simplicity of meaning surfaced; Gods conferring of value over me…that He thinks well of me… it truly matters. In a world full of accolades, invoked primarily via accomplishment, God's bestowing of intrinsic value provides  soothing balm for a weary soul. 

So I am so thankful for that day...for that day when the God of the universe, Who called me by name...saw this weary and insecure child. He found me there...wandering in the muck and mire...and reached out with His words of love. The gift of His words...His beautiful reminder of my value...set my feet to dancing once again. And it is comforting to know, that should the music in my head seek to play a disparaging tune, the Master conductor will once again sing a new song over me...

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